<aside> 🤝 Effective date: May 13, 2022

Last updated: September 10, 2024

**This policy applies to your use of all software and services provided by Levels Health, Inc.

By using Levels, you agree to these terms.**


<aside> 📔 Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Levels' Privacy Principles
  3. Data Protection Officer
  4. What information we collect, and why
  5. How we use your data
  6. How we store & secure your data
  7. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  8. How we share or disclose your data
  9. How to export & delete your data
  10. Additional details </aside>


Levels is a global software company that helps people understand how food affects their health.

Levels Privacy Principles

Your health data belongs to you (not us), and you can decide how it is used.

We believe you should control your own biological health data, and our goal is to make it easy for you to see, export, and delete your own information.

It's also up to you to decide how your data on Levels can be used. If you don't wish to contribute your personal data for product improvement and metabolic health research purposes, you can opt out of that sharing by sending us an email at [email protected]. We'll never access or use your information in ways you haven't agreed to.

We respect your right to privacy and will protect your information.

We'll work to collect as little information as needed to provide a valuable service, and we will continually look for ways to collect less.

We will keep your information secure by prioritizing data security in every decision we make, and by ensuring that our security practices stay up-to-date.

We don’t monetize your data.

We don’t sell (or sell access to) your data to third parties (for advertising, or for other purposes).

You may be asked to contribute your data to research initiatives that will help secure a healthier metabolic future. By contributing your data to research, you help researchers form a detailed understanding of how people are living, how poor health outcomes develop, and how optimal outcomes can be built.

What information we collect, and why

🧑‍🎤 Your account details

🩺 Your medical consult & personal health information

💳 Your payment information

🏃‍♂️ Your health data, imported from your device

💉 Your glucose data, via the CGM

💬 Our interactions – feedback & support

🥗 Your logs – meals, activities, notes

📊 Third Party Tools, Analytics & Advertising

We take responsibility for your information by only integrating with 3rd party tools that respect your privacy and share our data privacy standards and commitment, and by intentionally not collecting information we do not need.

For example: